*Interview with Expediente Público and Café con Voz: released political prisoner known as “La Loba Feroz,” or the “Fierce Wolf,” originally from the indigenous neighborhood of Monimbó located in Masaya, Nicaragua, tells the story of his imprisonment during which he […]
*The young woman from Managua, who was detained on November 6, 2021, was accused of “betraying her country,” as established by the Law of Cybercrimes and Law 1055 under which other political opponents have been jailed in the Central American […]
*Even though Alcides Zeledón received three release orders, the Nicaraguan regime refused to release him from prison until he became part of the 222 exiles. **In an interview with Expediente Público, the former political prisoner said that he “hope(d) for […]
*El Gobierno de El Salvador nunca emitió un posicionamiento oficial de condena o respaldo a Rusia en la invasión a Ucrania, pero el presidente Bukele sí ha usado sus redes para criticar a EE.UU. **Rubén Zamora, exembajador salvadoreño en Washington […]
*Aunque en un principio el país centroamericano se pronunció en contra de la invasión rusa, luego se abstuvo de votar contra resoluciones de la ONU y la OEA. El 23 de febrero de 2023 volvió a respaldar el cese de […]
Primer año de la invasión a Ucrania. La fidelidad de Daniel Ortega a los crímenes de Putin