
Through the Bio-CLIMA Project, CABEI empowers Colonos and revitalizes Daniel Ortega 

noviembre 7, 2023

*The regime of Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo has run out of time to fix the mistakes they would need to correct to comply with Bio-CLIMA project conditions. The Green Climate Fund Board keeps it going.  **Defenders of Indigenous and […]

China in Argentina, the "Neo-colonization" that Destroys Everything

China in Argentina, the «Neo-colonization» that Destroys Everything

octubre 26, 2023

*Research by Expediente Abierto shows that China applies a voracious mechanism in Argentina where it takes advantage of natural resources and seeks to lay the foundations for installed capacity in security. ** The exploitation of lithium reserves, illegal fishing activity […]

Nicolás Maduro intenta rescatar la confianza perdida de China con Venezuela 

Nicolás Maduro tries to salvage Chinese confidence 

octubre 2, 2023

Nicolás Maduro tries to salvage Chinese confidence

Daniel Ortega repite con China el “colonialismo” que tanto critica ante sus fanáticos

Daniel Ortega replicates the same “colonialism” that it critiques before his fans

agosto 24, 2023

*Diplomatic and commercial relations between both countries have not had significant reaches but rather, have been symbolic and limited. **North American academic, Evan Ellis, tells Expediente Público that China does not need help from Nicaragua. ***The partnership between Ortega and […]

China’s relationship with Latin America: Unequal and self-serving

China’s relationship with Latin America: Unequal and self-serving

agosto 23, 2023

*Venezuela, Brazil, Ecuador, and Argentina are the countries that have most benefited from Chinese loans, according to the Interamerican Dialogue. **Analysts Evan Ellis and Juan Pablo Cardenal value how Central America’s alliance with China has worked and what China is […]

Are Honduran officials’ trips financed by China a conflict of interest?

Are Honduran officials’ trips financed by China a conflict of interest?

agosto 17, 2023

*The government of Xiomara Castro refuses to respond to questions about how much China has spent on Honduran officials who were invited by the Chinese government. The government also keeps quiet about who is going on these trips and how […]