*The selection of an independent Supreme Court and the reformation and abolition of laws that favor corruption are necessary actions for the International Commission against Impunity to take in Honduras. **The Xiomara Castro administration has not made any advances in […]
*The first bad sign was the Amnesty Law, which favored those accused of corrupt acts, according to David Holiday, an American foreign policy analyst for Expediente Público. *Political polarization, lack of transparency in the election of magistrates and the attorney […]
*Two regional powers, Brazil and Argentina have also succumbed to Vladimir Putin’s requests. Expediente Público The United States responded late to Russia’s presence in Latin America, which has allowed Russia to expand its businesses, partners, and propaganda, according to Armando […]
*The political scientist Armando Chaguaceda warns that Russia has broadened its sphere of influence in Latin America to rival that of the now defunct Soviet Union. **Russia’s influence ranges from its economic pull in countries like Brazil to geopolitical alliances […]
*The US government, which helped Honduras with its removal of police officers, does not agree with the current process, whether it says so officially or not, explains Eric Olson, director of policy and strategic initiatives at the Seattle International Foundation. […]
*The initial list of layoffs presented by the former minister of security only included mid-ranking police officers, says Eric Olson, director of policy and strategic initiatives at the Seattle International Foundation and fellow at the Wilson Center. **During the Hernández […]